It doesn’t matter what age you are, there is no time like the present to ensure you have a healthy mind and brain function.
You may be:-
- Interested in anti-ageing and longevity of your mental faculties
- Wanting to avoid mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s as you age
- Noticing how forgetful you’re are lately
- Having difficulty focusing or feel like your mind/brain is feeling tired?
If you answer yes to any of these questions. The good news is that there are ways to protect your brain from excessive demands so that you can function at your best.
Aside from the healthy diet, superfoods, exercise and brain exercises, there are also the botanical brain boosters.
When taken daily these brain boosting herbs can bring a state of alertness and stimulate creative thinking, improve memory and neurological
function. We do know from some studies that many of these herbs increase the activity of some of the brains neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that transmit messages from one nerve cell to another.
It’s common these days to depend on caffeine to sharpen the mind however caffeine is overstimulating to the adrenal glands, and depletes the body of essential nourishment.
Many of these herbs are stimulating and balancing to the body without the side effects, helping the body overcome excessive amounts of stress and lifestyle challenges to help you function at your best.
6 Top Brain Herbs read more here
- Ginkgo biloba is one of the most well known herbs in use today and is one of the oldest surviving trees on earth. It has been used traditionally to improve concentration and memory. Ginkgo is one of the most prescribed herbs in Europe and recommended in treating dementia, memory loss, senility and promoting recovery from stroke. It is an antioxidant and cerebral tonic. Don’t take alongside blood thinning medicine.
- Gotu kola (Hydrocotyle asiatica) is another herb that has high impact on brain functioning and is used in India as a brain tonic, referred to as “food for the brain” and is known to aid
intelligence and memory. It balances the brain and helps all aspects of brain function. Gotu kola has been used to treat amnesia, dementia, fatigue and senility. It has a revitalizing effect on the brain cells and nerves.
- Rosemary was used by ancient Greek scholars, who wore laurels of rosemary when taking examinations to improve memory. Rosemary stimulates the pineal gland and improves energy levels. Rosemary contains more than a dozen antioxidants.
- Ashwaghandha (Withania somnifera) reduces the effects of overwork and is one of the best for promoting mental clarity and cognitive functioning. Ashwaghandha does wonders for nervous exhaustion and protects the brain against brain cell deterioration. It is an important protective herb.
- Tulsi oxygenates the brain and improves circulation which improves feelings of well-being and mental cognition.
- Brahmi (Bacopa monniera) is a herbal tonic and brain food therefore rejuvenating the brain and nervous system. Brahmi improves all aspects of mental functioning including the ability to learn new information, to retain what we learn and our ability to remember. Brahmi packs a double whammy of benefits because it supports our intelligence while reducing the effects of stress on the brain. In Ayurveda it’s is considered mind-enhancing and therefore used in meditation.
Essential oils are also an excellent way to treat mental fatigue and to boost your mental capacity these include lemon, lemon grass, lime, peppermint and rosemary.
Improving Your Brain’s Performance
You can invite nature’s subtle intelligence into your routine and you may find that using these herbs will help you overcome the anxiety, lethargy, lack of focus and even the chatter that can surface in the mind during meditation.
As you consider the short list above choose the herb that offers you the benefits with the strongest appeal, and experiment with taking it daily. By taking a combination of these herbs they have a synergistic effect it is highly recommended you consult a qualified herbalist before doing so.
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