You may have symptoms of discomfort, irritation, discharge, pain and itchiness. It may be that you're you struggling with - thrush, vaginosis, or lichen sclerosis.
For any inflamed and uncomfortable issue, it's important to start with an autoimmune healing protocol to address underlying triggers, while also give symptom relief.
A Naturopathic approach to dealing with discomfort in these sensitive areas would be an autoimmune lifestyle approach, with external and internal support - using diet, nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, salves, homeopathy, and flower remedies.
A healthy vaginal microbiome has been linked to a lower risk of contracting STI's and pelvic inflammatory disease, a lower risk of developing certain gynae cancers, and even a lower risk of experiencing miscarriage and pre-term birth.
Some of the following symptoms can occur alongside vaginal infections:-
- bloating and gut distress
- skin rashes
- frequent vaginal yeast infections
- thrush or a white coating on the tongue
- chronic fatigue
- brain fog
- joint pain
The “4 R’s” the Autoimmune Treatment Protocol:
- Remove: Eliminate allergens both topical and internal i.e. foods (such as gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, etc.)
Also alcohol, caffeine and NSAIDS should be avoided.
Plus the “removal” of pathogens such as: (an overgrowth of) yeast, parasites, harmful bacteria, viruses, protozoa, etc. would be part of the “remove” step. - Repair: Add in herbs or supplements to repair the intestinal barrier and to soothe discomfort.
- Replace: Add nutritional supplements for rebalance deficiencies and to speed up healing.
- Reinoculate: Probiotics that contain friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus and bifidobacter are taken to reinoculate the microbiome and bacterial colonies. Therre are specific probiotics to rebalance the vaginal tissue or microbiome.
In my experience each individual does not necessarily need to go through all of these steps in order to feel better.
However, implementing at least one (usually 2-3) can be the difference between success and failure. Changing the diet alone is usually not sufficient enough to feel and function better, especially if the condition is chronic.
Benefits of Naturopathic Treatment of Vaginal Issues
- Naturopathic treatment addresses the underlying cause of the vaginal imbalance & issues
- Better overall health plus gut and hormone balance
- A stronger immune system
If you have these issues that are uncomfortable, itchy or burning. Please get in touch send me an email - [email protected] that you don't need to feel this way.